Christmas is my favorite time of the year. Everyone seems happier, more people give their time or gifts to people in need and for me, it's full of hope.
This year I wanted to connect a bit more with my grandchildren, so I decided to create a kit of easy to make Christmas decorations. We will sit around the table that I used to sit at with my mother, and talk and laugh and enjoy the creative process. It's also a great way to get them off their electronic devices.
Click here to get a copy of the instructions to make this delightful decoration and click here for a template for the box.
In the instructions I talk about music paper - you can try your local St Vinnes store and pick up an old music book OR you could click here to get a piece that you can print out on your printer. The printed one is coloured to make it look old.
If you are interested in getting one of the kits, you can check it out on Ebay here or you can send me an email.
There is also an instructional video on my YouTube channel here.